Top Flight is part of the collection of services that I provide under the aegis of my company, McCoy Global.

I don’t like to say to people that I am a teacher. I prefer International Educator.

So, how did I get started down this road? The seed was planted on a flight back home from Japan. I was talking to a guy next to me and discovered that he lived in Japan. I learned that he was an English Teacher and he said that I could do that too, if I wanted to live there. I wasn’t motivated to do it. Then, I went back to school to study International Business and got the bug to go to China. I applied for several jobs but was turned down each time over someone who was already in China. Then someone said, “if you want to live in China, just become one of those English Teachers”. That week, I enrolled in a TEFL course.

My first job was actually teaching a course known only as The Experimental Class at Baotou Teachers College. I actually taught a class on Globalization. I then went on to teach American Government and Economics, American Studies, American History, Political Science, Human Geography, Geography, and a host of other courses – AP Computer Science (JAVA), Public Speaking, Mass Media, Leadership. I can’t recall them all. I served in the United States Pathway Program as a National Course Coordinator for American Studies, IT, and Engineering and Design. I was the first teacher chosen to train Chinese Teachers for the ISEC Program – so that they could teach their subjects in English.

I never planned on being in China for nearly 11 years, it just became one continuous adventure in a delightfully whacky universe. I never could have done all of this in the USA.

I wanted to continue teaching, just not in a school. My desire is to work independently, create courses, and not deal with obstructions. I first created the Open Source EduVersity. Although I prefer to create courses, I decided to not let this valuable experience go to waste – so, here I am with the Top Flight Education program.